Did You Know?
51% of small business owners use employees
…to create and manage their website …even when the employee handling the website has ZERO experience.
- 51%
BUT just having a website is not enough
Using a DIY website builder to “throw something on there” is easy.
Knowing what combination of factors will help to make your website perform like a lead-generating machine?
Not so much.
Still think handling your website internally isn’t a deal-breaker? Take a look at some of the EYE-OPENING statistics below.
3 BIG Reasons your Underperforming Website is Losing Leads Every Day
Did you know that poor web design can lead to potential customers rapidly rejecting and distrusting your website?
In a UK university study, 94 out of 100 people evaluating websites, said that they would distrust and/or reject a website based on its visual design. On top of that, most people didn’t even click past the homepage if they had already chosen to reject the website.
If you sent 100 potential customers to your website today, would your website push 94 of them away?
Did you know that on average, only 1 out of 100 people will actually fill out your contact form?
Based on a research study by Formstack, they found that on avg., contact forms are only completed by potential customers 1% of the time.
If a new and better performing website could 2x the amount of leads it generated on autopilot, could it help double your monthly sales?
Did you know that 40% of potential customers will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load?
Based on research from Kissmetrics, a website that loads too slowly is constantly driving potential customers away before you even have a chance to present your products/services.
Even scarier, even a 1 second delay in a website, can decrease customer satisfaction by 16%.
How many potential buyers do you think your current website is driving away in frustration each day?
Thankfully, there is a better solution that can fix all of these business-losing mistakes and TRANSFORM your website.
Getting an Effective Website that Performs Better Is Easy
Our website formula can transform your website that “kind-of-works” into a POWERFUL sales generating machine.
Day 1: You Sign Up
This is the easiest part.
If we’re a good fit for each other, we move forward and we sign you up as a client. From this point forward, you can now focus on growing your business instead of managing your website.
Day 7: We Build It
We build out your website formula.
Once we determine what your website design formula needs to attract & convert more website visitors into paying customers… we begin to build your new, unique & hand-crafted website.
Day 30: We Launch It
We prepare your launch.
We make sure that your lead-capturing system is online and ready to start converting more leads. From this point, you can take advantage of your website’s 24/7 selling ability right away.
Day 31+ We Manage It
We maintain it for you!
You can now sit back and relax. Website issues and website updates are now a stressful thing of the past… because we take care of it all for you. It doesn’t get easier than that.
Our Clients Have Already Grown With…
More Leads
Generating more qualified leads doesn’t have to be difficult and time-consuming. With the right online marketing strategy and implementation, the uncertainty of where your next sales will come from is erased.
Want leads delivered automatically and predictably every day?
More Conversions
Your customers already know who you are, yet most of them are choosing to say “NO” to working with you. These are customers that were within your grasp but slipped away into the arms of your competitors.
Want to double the amount of leads from your current strategy?
More ROI
Return on Investment is the only goal. Most business owners ignore the numbers and completely ignore the improvement of maximizing revenue from marketing. There is always room for improvement.
Want to explode your current online marketing’s ROI?
Did your last website actually work?
Without understanding the psychology of how your customers think, evaluate and compare your website to other competitors, your website will not bring the results your business requires to grow.